
Personal Statement开头的写作方法及范文解析

你曾经走过一片森林,无数的树木拔地而起,层叠的绿叶仿佛无尽的生命的簇拥。你需要挑选一棵树,为自己遮风挡雨,但你面前的每一棵树都美丽而独特,你应该如何选择?在这之中,你或许已经意识到,这就是招生官在面对堆积如山的申请书时的感受。他们需要在短短的几分钟内,从无数的申请者中选择出最合适的候选人。因此,如何在众多申请者中脱颖而出,使你的个人陈述(Personal Statement)更具吸引力,成为了我们需要掌握的重要技巧。

在Personal Statement中,开头部分的写作显得尤为重要。这是你赢得招生官好感,引起他们兴趣的首个关键节点。那么,如何写出有吸引力的开头呢?本文将为你揭示其技巧,并通过范文解析为你提供更具体的参考。

1. Personal Statement开头的重要性

在任何一篇文章中,开头都占据着举足轻重的地位。它是你展示自己的第一步,是你与读者建立联系的桥梁。在Personal Statement中,开头不仅需要吸引读者的注意,也要能准确、深刻地展示你的个性和优势。


2. 如何写出吸引力的开头


2.1 用故事开场


2.2 描述一个场景


2.3 提出一个问题



3. 范文解析



“As a child, I was captivated by the sight of my father diligently working in the workshop, wielding a welding gun in one hand and firmly grasping pliers in the other. His focused and determined gaze left an indelible impression on me. Witnessing his mastery of professional skills and his unwavering passion for his work at the tender age of six ignited a spark within me. Since that moment, I have aspired to follow in his footsteps and become a mechanical engineer, driven by the same fervor that fuels my father’s dedication.”

This opening paragraph utilizes a narrative approach by recounting a childhood memory and vividly describing the scene in which the author first observed their father at work. By doing so, the author not only provides the reader with a deeper understanding of their background but also lays the foundation for subsequent statements.


“Have you ever wondered why the sea is salty? Or why the ocean appears in varying shades of blue? These questions have lingered in my mind since my early childhood, propelling me to unravel the mysteries of the ocean. This curiosity is the driving force behind my decision to pursue a degree in marine science.”

This opening paragraph poses a series of intriguing questions, sparking the reader’s curiosity and simultaneously showcasing the author’s unique perspective and determination to delve into the secrets of the ocean.


“Standing before the forest engulfed in fierce flames, I realized that my role extended beyond mourning; it demanded an exploration of the root causes and a commitment to take action to safeguard our natural environment. This poignant moment became a catalyst for my decision to embark on a journey in environmental science. I am driven by a profound sense of responsibility to understand, address, and protect our ecosystems, ensuring a sustainable coexistence between humanity and the environment.”






