首先,我们要明确Essay的基本结构:Introduction(引言)、Body(主体)和 Conclusion(结论)。
- Introduction(引言)这部分的任务是引入主题,为读者提供背景信息,并明确你的立场或主张。好的引言像一个钥匙,为读者打开了整篇文章的大门。
- Body(主体)这部分是Essay的核心,其中包括你的主要论点、证据和论证。通常,Body部分可以分为几个小段落,每个段落都有一个明确的中心思想。
建议:使用主题句(Topic Sentence)来开始每个段落,明确这一段的主要内容。
- Conclusion(结论)在这部分,你将总结你的主要观点,回顾整篇文章,并提供一些结论性的看法或建议。
- 确立明确的中心思想在开始写作前,问自己:“我想通过这篇文章传达什么信息?”这个信息就是你的中心思想。围绕它,建立文章的主体段落。
- 使用过渡句子为了使文章流畅,需要在段落之间或者段落内部使用过渡句子。例如:“另一方面”、“然而”、“此外”等。
- 避免偏离主题确保每一个段落、每一个句子都与你的中心思想相关。避免包含无关的信息或观点。
- 使用论证手法当你提出一个观点时,必须为其提供充分的证据和论证。例如,你可以使用事实、统计数据、引用等。
- 确保连贯性一个观点应该自然地引出另一个观点。避免“跳跃式”论证,确保每个观点都是逻辑上的必然推论。
- 提前做好提纲提纲可以帮助你组织思维,确保文章的逻辑顺序。写作前,花点时间制定提纲,将大大提高写作效率。
Sample Essay 1: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
With the rise of social media platforms, there has been a corresponding (相应的) increase in concerns about their impact on mental health. This essay aims to explore the connection between extensive social media use and the prevalence of anxiety and depression.
[Thesis Statement:]
Evidence suggests that while social media offers certain benefits, its excessive use can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.
[Body Paragraph 1: Positive Aspects of Social Media] Firstly, social media platforms enable users to connect with people worldwide, fostering global communities and shared experiences.
[Body Paragraph 2: The Downside of Excessive Use] However, studies have indicated (表明) that prolonged exposure, especially among younger users, can lead to feelings of isolation, as virtual interactions supplant (取代) real-life connections.
[Body Paragraph 3: Comparative Analysis] Comparing the positives and negatives, it’s evident that while occasional use can be beneficial, an over-reliance can lead to detrimental effects on mental health.
In conclusion, moderation is key when navigating the realm of social media, ensuring that its usage enhances rather than diminishes mental well-being.
Sample Essay 2: Urbanization and its Environmental Impact
Urbanization, defined as the increasing population shift from rural to urban areas, has surged in the last century. This essay will examine (审查) its environmental repercussions.
[Thesis Statement:]
The rapid pace of urbanization has brought with it both environmental challenges and potential sustainable solutions.
[Body Paragraph 1: Environmental Challenges] Urban areas, with their concentration of vehicles and industries, are often hotspots for pollution. This not only affects air quality but also strains water resources.
[Body Paragraph 2: Sustainable Solutions] On the flip side, urban areas, due to their density, offer opportunities for sustainable solutions like efficient public transport systems and vertical farming.
[Body Paragraph 3: Balancing Growth and Sustainability] For cities to grow without compromising the environment, a balance between development and sustainable practices is imperative.
In essence, while urbanization presents environmental challenges, with proactive measures, cities can pivot towards sustainability.
Introduction (引言): 两篇文章都开始于定义或呈现主题,为讨论做准备。
Thesis Statement (论点陈述): 这确立了文章的主要论点或焦点,为读者提供了一个明确的方向感。
Body Paragraphs (正文段落): 这些深入探讨了话题,呈现了不同的侧面、论证或观点。通过顺序呈现相关的想法并使用过渡性的词或短语,如 “然而” 或 “另一方面”,来维持逻辑的流畅性,从一个想法引导读者到下一个想法。
Conclusion (结论): 这总结了讨论的主要要点,并重申文章的中心信息或论点,为论文画上句号。
1. 缺乏明确的论点陈述: 有时,文章没有明确地陈述其主要论点或观点,导致读者难以理解作者想要传达的信息。 如何避免: 在文章的开头部分,明确并简洁地提出你的主要观点或论证。
2. 段落间缺乏逻辑连贯性: 文章中的段落可能内容跳跃,缺乏逻辑的过渡,使得读者难以跟随作者的思路。 如何避免: 使用过渡性的词汇或短语,如“然而”、“此外”或“因此”,确保前后段落有逻辑的联系。
3. 冗长和重复: 有时,为了达到字数要求或强调某一点,作者可能会重复相同的信息或使用冗长的句子。 如何避免: 在写作后,仔细审查并删减重复的部分,并尝试将长句简化。
4. 缺乏有力的证据支持: 文章可能主观臆断,缺乏事实、数据或具体实例来支持其观点。 如何避免: 在提出观点或论证时,确保有充分的证据进行支持,并确保来源的准确性和可靠性。
5. 结论部分太过简略或与正文不符: 有时,文章的结论部分可能过于简略,或与正文中的论述不相符合。 如何避免: 确保结论部分总结了文章的主要观点,并为读者提供了一个完整的、满足的结束。