
澳洲经济学作业代写 原住民

摘要澳大利亚原住民具有独特的历史、文化传统和非原住民的独特身份。《土著经济发展战略(2011-2018年)》(以下简称《战略》)作为指导地图,旨在帮助土著人民获得与澳大利亚人民同样的参与经济的机会。在这项经济发展计划中,将为土著人民创造创造环境的权利。政府增加了企业和就业机会,以支持边远地区的土著人民,这将使土著人民更容易获得商品和服务。政府还购买更多的权力来帮助本土企业,并帮助那些需要建立或希望发展小型企业的企业家。这篇论文的目的是看看在(教育)和(商业创业)中采取了什么措施,以及这两个领域如何在土著和非土著人民之间取得成功,以及该战略是否能够帮助土著人民的福祉。根据(Altman, 2006)土著人口约12万,约1200人生活在离散的社区和非常偏远的社区,但这些社区与人口数量相比很小,平均每个只有100人。此外,土著人口总数约25%和20%的人口居住在超过100万平方公里的区域之外(Altman, 2006)。根据(ABS, 2016)的数据,土著人有不同的群体和他们自己的语言,这将导致土著人处于危险之中,受到工作场所的负面影响,很难在未来找到工作。本文认为,由于经济问题,被动式福利不断地侵蚀着土著社会关系。因此,为了同化澳大利亚的社区和经济发展,澳大利亚政府启动了一项新的“2018年战略”,帮助土著居民作为非土著有更好的机会和机会。因此,年轻的土著人民可以得到适当的教育、更好的工作和更多的收入来支持他们的家庭。

澳洲经济学作业代写 原住民

The Australian Indigenous (Aboriginal) has a distinct historical, cultural traditional and their unique identities to those non-indigenous people. The Indigenous Economic Development Strategy 2011-2018 (Strategy) is designed as guideline map for helping indigenous people to achieve the same opportunities to participate for economic as Australians people. Within this economic development program will create the right to enabling an environment for indigenous people. The government has increased businesses and opportunities for employment to support indigenous people in the remote area, within this will make it more easily available goods and services for indigenous people. The government also purchase more power to help indigenous business and assisted entrepreneurs who need to established or want to grow small businesses. The purpose of this paper is to see what has been the measured adopted in (education) and (business entrepreneurship) and how this two area successful between indigenous and non-indigenous people whether the Strategy able to help indigenous people wellbeing as well.According to (Altman, 2006) the indigenous population approximately around 120,000 and about 1,200 people live in discrete communities and very remote communities, but these communities are small compared to a number of the population it’s merely average only 100 people each. Moreover, indigenous population total about 25 percent and 20 percent of the population has live in outside an area which covers more than one million square kilometers (Altman, 2006). According to (ABS, 2016) data indigenous people have different groups and their own language within this, it will lead indigenous people at risk, affected negatively from the workplace and hardly for searching jobs in future. The thesis is that issues with economic, therefore, a passive welfare has continuously corrupted to the indigenous social relationship. Consequently, to assimilate the communities in Australia and economic development, the Australian government has launched a new ‘Strategy’ 2018 for indigenous people to help them has a better chance and opportunity as non-indigenous. Therefore, young indigenous people can get a proper education, better jobs and get more income to support their families.

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