



不管是申请医学院、法学院还是其他学科,不管是出国读硕士、博士还是申请工作,都需要推荐信。推荐信是请教授从他的视角客观地对你进行评价,证明你个人的技能和特点的文书,是美国大学申请的基本文件之一。一般说来美国的研究生院要求提供 3 封推荐信,信件作者应该熟悉学生,并且有一定知名度。



推荐信其实是学校深入全面了解你的一个方式,也就是说你在写你的 application 的时候,任何地方都有字数限制,可是只有推荐信这是没有字数限制的,而且推荐信是唯一一个可以别人给你意见的地方,所以各个学校都十分想要知道其他人对你是怎么看的,也是帮你补充申请材料的一个好地方。另外一个意义呢,其实就是所谓的叫 verification,你在你的申请 personal statement 和 activity 里面都写了很多自己的优点。但是并没有人能证明你说的是否都是真实的,所以推荐信的作用之一就是 verify 你的活动。



可以找熟悉自己、和申请专业相关的老师(比如修过该老师的课、一起做过 research 的)很多人会下意识去找自己成绩比较好的那门课的负责老师。当然这个很重要,但是最重要的其实是对你在课堂之外的表现也很了解的老师;也可以找实习地点直系负责人,尽量找比较熟悉自己的 supervisor。有很多熟悉的上司情况下,职称越高越好。还有什么人可供选择呢?就是你参加过的校外活动的负责人。他们作为见证者,不仅能证实你确实参加过某些活动,还能使招生官从一个课外的角度来了解你。





我们可以提前准备一个 information packet,把自己经历过的的活动都写下来,根据重要性写一个排名,让老师知道哪一个需要重点看,哪一个可以一扫而过。做好这个information packet,能让推荐人快速了解你,同时帮他写出内容更详实的推荐信。

好的 information packet 可以在前面列一个提纲,用概括性的标示分类,而后再详细写下来你都干了什么事情,这样以方便你的推荐人随时翻回去重新看。然后下面可以把这些活动按时间顺序排名,最重要的可以 highlight 。每一个活动都要有一个简短介绍。至于所获奖项,就大概写一下是什么级别的奖,有多少人参加。整理好之后,在你邀请推荐人帮你写推荐信的时候可以直接把这个 information packet 给他们,他们在写推荐信的时候就可以参考这个材料。

还又一个就是上面讲的 verified activity,证实你做过你说的这些活动,如果有 information packet,你的老师也在推荐信中强调了你做过的这些活动的话,等于说上了双层保险。

所以大一大二的同学建议从现在开始就给自己做一个 activity list,做这个对申请是有非常正面的影响的,因为不管你将来申请什么一般都是要写 activity 的。有了这样一份记录,到时候做 personal statement 的时候,也可以做一个你自己的 reference,不至于无处下笔。


注意:老师如果让同学自己写,同学需尽量说服老师用官方邮箱自己上传。同学在选校名单确定后,开启网申,输入老师邮箱,学校的系统会给老师的邮箱发送链接。同学将选校名单、推荐信和最晚上传截止日期列表发送老师。确认老师在 deadline 之前完成上传,无法当面见面的老师,必须用邮件确认以上步骤。



推荐信长度没有具体的要求,但不宜过长,尽量控制在 1 页 A 4 纸内。段落控制在 5 到 8 段,总字数控制在 200 到 600 词之间比较好。


推荐信可以分成 Opening、Body、Closing 三个部分,每个部分需要写的内容见下方提示:


长度:1 段

内容:陈述推荐信的目的 / 解释推荐人何时、何地、如何认识申请者,交代自己很熟悉申请者


长度: 2 到 6 段,每段 4 到 6 句话

内容:形容描述申请者是怎样的人 结合具体的事例 / 解释为何申请者想要谋求更远的发展


长度:1 到 2 段

内容:表明推荐人对于申请者的信心 / 解释为何你认为他非常适合这个学校、专业




例子:Thank you for this opportunity to express my admiration for the intellectual gifts, public spiritedness, and professional potential of Mr.Deepak Tuli.


例子:After earning my B.A. in English at University of New Hampshire, I earned my Ph.D. in English at Leeds University in 1990. I served as Assistant and Associate Professor of English at Bradley University from 1991 to 2005. I am currently Associate Professor of English at Indiana University in Bloomington and a prelaw advisor since 2007. I also teach the undergraduate elective, “The Law in Literature.” I have successfully recommended five of my students to your law school in the past four years.


例子:My first encounter with Abhinav was while teaching Mountain Valley High’s two-year Spanish program. Born in India,Abhinav moved to the United States when he was young and immediately became fascinated by Mexican culture and the Spanish language. The only Indian student in the class, he not only stood out as an engaging, pleasant, and serious student, but his Spanish was already very advanced (he earned an “A” in all my classes). Outside of the classroom, I encourage my students to improve their Spanish skills by becoming community volunteers. Abhinav jumped at the opportunity. For the past two years now, he has volunteered part time for Eureka Valley Hispanic Services (EVHS), a nonprofit agency where I served as a Client Advocate until October 2009.Because our interactions in class and at EVHS enable us to see each other as manyas five times a week, Abhinav and I have gotten to know each other very well.

申请者的 core strength 可以从以下几个方面入手:

  • Leadership
  • Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills
  • Intellectual Ability
  • Writing and Communication Skills
  • Multicultural and InternationalSkills
  • Character ,Integrity, and Ethics
  • Volunteering and Social Impact
  • Initiative and Creativity

申请者的 Goals and Potential

例子:Stan tells me his short-term post-M.B.A. goal is to work as an investment research analyst covering emerging markets either for an investment bank with a presence in Southeast Asia, such as Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, or at a mutual fund specializing in the region, such as Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund. Combined with the special insights he has gained through his working knowledge of China and Vietnam, either route will give hima rich and nuanced foundation in the market and its companies. In the long term, Stan plans to work as the fund manager of a Southeast Asia emerging marketsfund. Ten to 15 years from now, I believe he will be in an excellent position to start his own fund focused on Southeast Asia or perhaps entirely on Vietnam.


例子:I have advised four students who ultimately graduated from Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development, and Bruce’s ability and potential compare favorably with them. He has shown the potential to be a truly outstanding educator and will be a credit to your program. I wish him every success in his teaching career.




Dear Prof.XXX,

I’m********,哪个学期上过他什么课,多少分。It has been a long time since seeing you last time. Do you remember me?

The extraordinary experiences in your class have motivated me to try harder to explore interesting problems in *******(方向). Till now, I have 在哪里实习过,做过什么research. Due to my solid foundation built in your class, I have made a great contribution during my internship/to the research projects.

I have decided to apply to MS program in ******* for further study. Would you please be my reference to recommend my academic performance during undergraduate study?  I will send the request links for recommendation to you in Nov.2018. Moreover, please let me know if you need the draft of recommendation letter.

Thank you very much and hope for your reply.

Best regards,




Dear (推荐人Title+姓氏),
My name is (名字), I took your (推荐人教的课程名字) course and will graduate with a degree in (在读专业名字). I have greatly enjoyed and benefited from the classes which I took with you. I am hoping that you could kindly provide a letter of recommendation for my postgraduate application for (申请专业名字).Your recommendation and support means a lot to me!

In this recommendation letter, could you please comment on some of these factors:
– How long have you known me and in what capacity
– The nature and class of degree already obtained or expected to be obtained
– My standard of proficiency in English
– My general suitability for postgraduate study, including any distinct strengths
– My academic ability and suitability for the proposed programme

I appreciate you taking the time to write this letter of recommendation. Please let me know if you need any other information from me. Thank you so much!
